how to teach to spell

Anna Avalos
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how to teach to spell

How To Teach To Spell In The Right Way

Are you looking for ways to improve your child’s spelling skills? It can be a challenge, but with the right approach, you can help them make progress. In this article, we will discuss some effective ways to teach spelling.

1. Start With The Basics

Before diving into complex spelling rules, it is important to start with the basics. Teach your child the alphabet and the sounds that each letter makes. You can do this through songs, games, or flashcards. Once your child has a good foundation in phonics, they will be better equipped to learn how to spell.

2. Use Multisensory Activities

Children learn best when they are engaged in multisensory activities. Incorporate different senses into your spelling lessons. For example, you can have your child write words in shaving cream, sand, or salt. You can also use magnetic letters or letter tiles.

3. Make It Fun

Spelling doesn’t have to be boring! There are many fun ways to practice spelling. You can play games like Scrabble or Boggle, or you can create your own spelling puzzles. You can also read books together and have your child look for specific words.

4. Be Patient

Learning how to spell takes time and practice. Don’t get discouraged if your child doesn’t progress as quickly as you would like. Be patient and provide them with plenty of opportunities to practice.

5. Celebrate Success

When your child learns a new word, make sure to celebrate their success. This will help them stay motivated and make learning fun. You can give them a high-five, a sticker, or a small treat.

6. Use Technology

There are many great technology tools that can help you teach spelling. There are apps that provide spelling games and activities, and there are websites that offer spelling lessons and practice exercises.

7. Be A Role Model

Children learn by watching the adults in their lives. If you want your child to be a good speller, make sure that you are a good speller yourself. Show your child that you value spelling by reading and writing regularly.

By following these tips, you can help your child learn how to spell in a fun and effective way.

how to teach to spell

Top 5 Basic Ways to Teach Spelling

Teaching spelling can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are five basic ways to help your child learn how to spell:

  • Use flashcards. Flashcards are a simple but effective way to teach spelling. Write a word on one side of the card and the corresponding picture on the other side. Have your child practice saying the word and identifying the picture.
  • Play games. There are many fun games that can help your child learn how to spell. Some popular games include Scrabble, Boggle, and Hangman.
  • Read to your child. Reading to your child is a great way to help them learn new words and how to spell them. Point out words as you read, and ask your child to spell them.
  • Encourage your child to write. Writing is a great way to practice spelling. Have your child write stories, poems, or letters. You can also have them keep a journal or write in a spelling notebook.
  • Be patient. Learning how to spell takes time and practice. Don’t get discouraged if your child doesn’t progress as quickly as you would like. Be patient and provide them with plenty of opportunities to practice.

Helpful Resources

In addition to the tips above, there are a number of helpful resources available to help you teach spelling. Here are a few of our favorites:


Teaching spelling can be a challenge, but it is also an important skill for children to learn. By using the tips and resources provided in this article, you can help your child become a confident and proficient speller.

We hope you found this article helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.

Check out our other articles on teaching spelling:

  • How to Make Spelling Fun for Kids
  • The Best Spelling Games for Kids
  • How to Help Your Child with Spelling Homework

FAQ about How to Teach Spelling

How do I get started?

  • Prepare: Review the spelling rules and patterns that your students will learn.
  • Assess: Use a spelling inventory to determine your students’ current spelling abilities.
  • Select: Choose spelling words that align with your students’ learning objectives and assessment results.

How do I present new spelling words?

  • Prepare: Introduce the new spelling words clearly and pronounce them correctly.
  • Active Engagement: Engage your students in activities that help them actively process the words, such as by writing them on a whiteboard or playing a spelling game.
  • Sensory Input: Use multiple senses to help students remember the words, such as by writing them with their finger in sand or by saying them aloud.

How do I practice spelling words?

  • Practice: Provide ample opportunities for students to practice spelling words through activities such as writing, dictation, and games.
  • Alt-Writing: Encourage students to practice writing the words in different formats, such as in sentences or stories.
  • Self-Checking: Have students check their own spellings by comparing their words to a word list or dictionary.

How do I help students memorize spellings?

  • Personalize: Encourage students to create their own spelling strategies, such as using visual cues or making up songs.
  • Associate: Help students associate words with images, sounds, or other memory hooks to enhance retention.
  • Space Repetition: Review spelling words at increasing intervals to reinforce memory.

How do I help students generalize spelling skills?

  • Practice in Context: Provide opportunities for students to apply spelling skills in meaningful contexts, such as in writing assignments or creative projects.
  • Analyze and Apply: Encourage students to analyze the spelling patterns they have learned and apply them to new words they encounter.
  • Strategies for Self-Improvement: Teach students self-correction strategies, such as using a dictionary or proofreading their work.

How do I accommodate different learning styles?

  • Provide Multisensory Activities: Use a variety of teaching methods and activities to cater to different learning preferences, such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles.
  • Adjust Materials: Modify spelling resources and activities to make them accessible for students with different needs.
  • Support and Encouragement: Create a supportive learning environment that encourages all students to feel confident in their spelling abilities.

How do I assess spelling progress?

  • Prepare: Establish clear assessment criteria and grading rubrics.
  • Assess Regularly: Use a combination of formal and informal assessments to track student progress, such as weekly spelling tests, dictation, or self-reflections.
  • Set Goals and Provide Feedback: Set specific spelling goals for students and provide regular feedback to help them improve their spelling skills.

How do I motivate students to learn spelling?

  • Provide Purposeful Activities: Make spelling learning relevant by connecting it to real-world situations and student interests.
  • Ackowledge Effort and Growth: Recognize and reward students’ effort and progress in spelling, regardless of their initial abilities.
  • Set Realistic Expectations: Establish attainable spelling goals to avoid frustration and foster a positive learning experience.

How do I teach spelling to English language learners?

  • Prepare: Familiarize yourself with the challenges and strategies for teaching spelling to English language learners.
  • Adapted Materials: Use spelling resources that are designed for or adapted to meet the needs of English language learners.
  • Support and Encouragement: Provide additional support and encouragement to English language learners who are struggling with spelling.

How do I handle common spelling errors?

  • Prevention: Focus on teaching spelling rules and patterns to prevent common errors.
  • Address Errors: Provide specific strategies for correcting common spelling errors, such as using mnemonics or analyzing the structure of the word.
  • Self-Reflection: Encourage students to reflect on their spelling errors and develop strategies to avoid making them in the future.

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Anna Avalos

Anna Avalos

Anna Avalos is SoFi’s Chief People Officer, responsible for the company’s total talent strategy. Her career spans large, global organizations with fast-paced growth environments, and she has a breadth of experience building teams and business. Prior to SoFi, Anna led HR for Tesla’s EMEA region. She previously spent 14 years at Stryker, where she began her career in product operations and business unit leadership before she transitioned into several HR functions. Anna holds a BA in Communications and an MBA from the University of Arizona