how to stop irregular bleeding on nexplanon

Anna Avalos
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how to stop irregular bleeding on nexplanon

Irregular Bleeding on Nexplanon: How to Stop It?


Nexplanon, a highly effective birth control implant, can be a great option for many women. However, one common side effect is irregular bleeding. This can be frustrating and disruptive, but there are effective ways to manage it. In this blog post, we will delve into the causes of irregular bleeding on Nexplanon and provide practical strategies to help you regain control.

how to stop irregular bleeding on nexplanon

Causes of Irregular Bleeding on Nexplanon

Nexplanon works by releasing the hormone progestin, which thins the uterine lining and makes it less likely for ovulation to occur. However, in some cases, the levels of progestin may fluctuate, causing irregular bleeding. Other factors that can contribute to irregular bleeding on Nexplanon include:

  • Hormonal imbalance: Nexplanon can affect the balance of hormones in the body, leading to irregular bleeding.
  • Underlying medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as thyroid problems or clotting disorders, can also contribute to irregular bleeding on Nexplanon.
  • Lifestyle factors: Stress, diet, and exercise can all have an impact on hormone levels and potentially trigger irregular bleeding.

How to Stop Irregular Bleeding on Nexplanon

Now that we understand the causes, let’s dive into the practical strategies to manage irregular bleeding on Nexplanon:

1. Give It Time:
For some women, irregular bleeding on Nexplanon settles down within a few months. If you have only recently received the implant, it is worth waiting a bit longer to see if the bleeding stabilizes.

2. Use Additional Hormonal Contraception:
Combining Nexplanon with other hormonal methods, such as birth control pills or a hormonal ring, can provide additional progestin and help regulate bleeding.

3. Consider a Hormonal IUD:
A hormonal IUD, such as Mirena, releases progestin directly into the uterus and can be a more effective option for managing irregular bleeding.

4. NSAIDs and Tranexamic Acid:
Over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and prescription medications like tranexamic acid can help reduce bleeding and alleviate symptoms.

5. Vitamin C:
Some studies suggest that taking vitamin C supplements may help reduce irregular bleeding on Nexplanon. However, it is important to consult with your healthcare provider before taking any supplements.

6. Acupuncture:
Acupuncture has been shown to be beneficial in regulating hormone levels and reducing irregular bleeding.

7. Lifestyle Modifications:
Managing stress, following a healthy diet, and engaging in regular exercise can all support hormonal balance and potentially reduce irregular bleeding.

When to Seek Medical Help

While irregular bleeding on Nexplanon can be common, it is important to seek medical attention if:

  • Bleeding is heavy or prolonged.
  • Bleeding is accompanied by other symptoms, such as severe pain, fever, or foul-smelling discharge.
  • Bleeding persists for more than 6 months after insertion.


Irregular bleeding on Nexplanon can be a frustrating side effect, but it is manageable. By understanding the causes and exploring the strategies outlined in this post, you can take control of your bleeding and enjoy the benefits of Nexplanon. Remember, if you are concerned about irregular bleeding, it is always best to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

Check out our other articles for more information on birth control options and women’s health topics:

  • Nexplanon: The Ultimate Guide for Effective Birth Control
  • Irregular Bleeding on Birth Control: Causes and Solutions
  • Empowering Women’s Health: A Comprehensive Guide to Your Body

FAQ about how to stop irregular bleeding on Nexplanon

Why am I experiencing irregular bleeding on Nexplanon?

Nexplanon is a hormonal implant that releases progestin, which can thin the uterine lining and prevent ovulation. This can lead to irregular bleeding, which is a common side effect of Nexplanon.

How long will the irregular bleeding last?

The irregular bleeding can last for several months after Nexplanon is inserted. In some cases, it may last for the entire time that Nexplanon is in place.

Is the irregular bleeding harmful?

No, the irregular bleeding is not harmful. It is a common side effect of Nexplanon and does not indicate that there is anything wrong with your health.

What can I do to stop the irregular bleeding?

There are a few things you can do to help stop the irregular bleeding:

  • Take over-the-counter pain medication, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
  • Apply a warm compress to your abdomen.
  • Rest and avoid strenuous activity.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Eat a healthy diet.
  • Get regular exercise.

If the irregular bleeding does not stop, what should I do?

If the irregular bleeding does not stop after a few months, you should see your doctor. There may be an underlying cause for the bleeding, such as an infection or a pregnancy.

Can I get pregnant while I am using Nexplanon?

Yes, it is possible to get pregnant while using Nexplanon, but it is very unlikely. Nexplanon is one of the most effective methods of birth control available.

How can I prevent pregnancy while I am using Nexplanon?

The best way to prevent pregnancy while using Nexplanon is to use a condom every time you have sex. Condoms also help to protect against sexually transmitted infections.

What are the other side effects of Nexplanon?

Other side effects of Nexplanon include:

  • Acne
  • Breast tenderness
  • Headaches
  • Mood changes
  • Weight gain

How long does Nexplanon last?

Nexplanon lasts for up to 3 years. After 3 years, it should be removed and replaced with a new implant.

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Anna Avalos

Anna Avalos

Anna Avalos is SoFi’s Chief People Officer, responsible for the company’s total talent strategy. Her career spans large, global organizations with fast-paced growth environments, and she has a breadth of experience building teams and business. Prior to SoFi, Anna led HR for Tesla’s EMEA region. She previously spent 14 years at Stryker, where she began her career in product operations and business unit leadership before she transitioned into several HR functions. Anna holds a BA in Communications and an MBA from the University of Arizona