How to Start a Story?Examples that Rock!

Anna Avalos
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Starting a story is like jumping into a pool—you have to take the plunge! Whether you’re a seasoned writer or a newbie dipping your toe into the world of storytelling, crafting a captivating opening is crucial. Fear not, fellow wordsmiths! We’ve got you covered with a treasure trove of examples and techniques to ignite your imagination and set your stories on fire.

1. Plunge into Action!

Thrill your readers from the get-go by dropping them right into the heart of the action. Introduce your protagonist in the midst of a perilous situation, a puzzling encounter, or an earth-shattering decision. This technique grabs attention and propels the reader forward, eager to discover what happens next.

Example: "As the deafening roar of the engine filled the air, Sarah gripped the steering wheel with trembling hands, her knuckles turning white. The hulking semi-truck bore down on her, inching closer with each terrifying second."

2. Paint a Vivid Picture:

Engage your readers’ senses by painting a vivid picture of the setting. Describe the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures that surround your characters. This sensory overload transports readers into your storyworld, immersing them in the atmosphere and sparking their imagination.

Example: "The bustling market square erupted in a cacophony of noise. The sweet scent of ripe fruit mingled with the pungent aroma of spices, while the vibrant hues of exotic fabrics danced in the sunlight."

3. Start with a Question:

Intrigue your readers by opening with a thought-provoking question or a tantalizing mystery. This technique piques curiosity and creates a sense of anticipation, inviting readers to explore the answers as the story unfolds.

Example: "Who was the mysterious stranger who slipped into the shadows, leaving behind only a faint whisper and a lingering sense of unease?"

4. Introduce an Unforgettable Character:

Introduce your protagonist with a bang! Highlight their unique traits, quirks, and motivations to make them instantly relatable and compelling. A strong character connection sets the stage for an emotional and engaging journey.

Example: "Emily Carter, a brilliant but socially awkward scientist, had a peculiar fascination with the stars. Her midnight ramblings often led her to the rooftop of her apartment building, where she would spend hours gazing at the celestial tapestry."

5. Create a Conflict:

Conflict drives the plot and keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Introduce a challenge or obstacle that your protagonist must overcome to create tension and excitement.

Example: "The peaceful village of Havenwood was thrown into chaos when a band of ruthless raiders descended upon its unsuspecting inhabitants, threatening to destroy everything in their path."

6. Set the Stage with Dialogue:

Dialogue can instantly introduce characters, establish relationships, and reveal important information. Begin your story with a snippet of conversation that grabs attention and sets the tone for the narrative.

Example: "’I have a bad feeling about this,’ whispered Anya, her eyes darting nervously towards the darkened forest. ‘Something’s not right.’"

7. Use a Flashback:

Start your story with a glimpse into the past that provides context or foreshadows future events. Flashbacks can add depth to your characters and create a sense of mystery or intrigue.

Example: "As the old man sat by the fire, his mind drifted back to his youth. He remembered the fateful day when he stumbled upon a hidden treasure that would forever change the course of his life."

Comparison Table: How to Start a Story Examples vs. Competitors

Feature Our Examples Competitors
Action-packed Hooks Check! Begin with thrilling scenarios that grab attention. Meh! Often start with dull or predictable openings.
Sensory Immersion Yes! Immerse readers with vivid descriptions that engage the senses. Nope! Sensory details are often lacking or bland.
Thought-Provoking Questions You got it! Entice readers with intriguing questions or mysteries. Not so much! Rarely use this effective technique.
Unforgettable Characters Of course! Introduce characters with unique traits and motivations. Blah! Characters tend to be flat and unrelatable.
Compelling Conflicts Absolutely! Introduce challenges that drive the plot and create excitement. Not always! Plots often meander without clear conflicts.
Engaging Dialogue You bet! Start with conversation that reveals characters and sets the tone. Meh! Dialogue can be stiff or artificial.
Intriguing Flashbacks Yes! Use flashbacks to provide context or foreshadow events. Rarely used! Potential for depth and mystery is missed.


Crafting a captivating opening for your story is an art form that requires imagination, skill, and a sprinkle of audacity. Remember, the first few sentences are your chance to hook your readers and set the stage for an unforgettable journey. Experiment with different techniques, embrace your creativity, and let your stories soar!

Hungry for more writing inspiration? Dive into our other blogs for a treasure trove of tips, tricks, and examples that will ignite your imagination and elevate your storytelling skills to the next level.

FAQ about How to Start a Story

How do I start a story with a character?

P: Introduce your character in an interesting or relatable way.
A: "Emma adjusted her glasses, her eyes scanning the crowded library."

How do I start a story with a setting?

P: Describe the setting vividly, creating a sensory experience.
A: "The air hung thick with the scent of blooming lilies, and the chirping of crickets filled the warm summer night."

How do I start a story with an event?

P: Begin with an unexpected or dramatic event.
A: "A loud crash jolted her awake, sending shards of glass flying through the air."

How do I start a story with a question?

P: Pose a thought-provoking or intriguing question.
A: "What if the world we knew was suddenly gone?"

How do I start a story with a dialogue?

P: Engage the reader with a captivating conversation.
A: "’You can’t leave me here alone,’ she whispered, her voice trembling."

How do I start a story with an action sequence?

P: Dive right into an exciting or intense scene.
A: "He jumped over the crumbling wall, his adrenaline pumping as he chased the fleeing figure."

How do I start a story with a flashback?

P: Introduce a scene from the past that provides context or background.
A: "She closed her eyes and remembered that fateful day, when everything had changed."

How do I start a story with a dream or vision?

P: Engage the reader’s imagination with an otherworldly or surreal experience.
A: "A kaleidoscope of colors danced before her eyes, forming visions she had never seen before."

How do I start a story with humor?

P: Use a witty or humorous observation to grab the reader’s attention.
A: "He walked into the bar and immediately realized that he was the only one who hadn’t lost their pants."

How do I start a story with suspense?

P: Create a sense of anticipation and unease.
A: "The footsteps behind her grew louder, sending a chill down her spine."

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Anna Avalos

Anna Avalos

Anna Avalos is SoFi’s Chief People Officer, responsible for the company’s total talent strategy. Her career spans large, global organizations with fast-paced growth environments, and she has a breadth of experience building teams and business. Prior to SoFi, Anna led HR for Tesla’s EMEA region. She previously spent 14 years at Stryker, where she began her career in product operations and business unit leadership before she transitioned into several HR functions. Anna holds a BA in Communications and an MBA from the University of Arizona